SOS ALARM - personalized skills development in one place

“Atom is exactly what a company needs to take learning to the next level and thereby achieve short and long term business goals. They helped us with the foundation that enabled us to develop a learning culture with great tools. Tools that, moreover, did not result in any additional cost but were available in the company.”

Amina Berg Wadsten, HR Director, SOS Alarm.


SOS Alarm needed to make a shift to change their mindset when it comes to development and learning. The client wants to put creating a learning culture into practice and start making learning part of the everyday life of the individual.


A situation analysis was carried out to identify where we could best reach the target group. The solution was the SOS Campus - a single arena for learning where both informal and formal learning come together. Design of the "Upskill" concept, which included a personal development journey where digital and physical training for leaders, teams and individuals included topics aligned with current business objectives: Wellbeing, Learning and Development, Collaboration and Adaptability.


Over 70% of managers and employees are on the SOS Campus Teams channel to develop themselves and their colleagues. A very high index for skills development of 4.57 out of 5 in the latest employee survey and an increase in ENPS from 13 to 36 since the launch of SOS Campus.